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Animated Documentaries


Animated Documentaries

Docu-style animation is one of our more unique offerings. This approach allows you to tell real, funny or vulnerable stories with a the compelling and sharable lens of animation. Examples include telling origin stories, sharing favorite memories from the road, or recapping epic career moments. Animation can also be used to augment interviews, podcasts, fan sound bytes and more —  the options are limitless.

This type of content is extremely dynamic, and leaves a lasting impression because true stories are so relatable.


Chet Porter on Acid (Brownies & Lemonade)

Whethan Gets Busted (Brownies & Lemonade)


Hardy Breaks a Window (YouTube’s RELEASED Series)

Who is Max Maco? (Two Feet)

King of Spank (P. Diddy’s Revolt TV)

Kaito (P. Diddy’s Revolt TV)

Origin of “Josslyn” (Olivia O’Brien)